We never tire of the beauty here

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I guess it is a fitting end to the day that some of my message disappeared and turned a perfectly sensible sentence into something less than. I had to call Tim on the way to the salon to get the right address. In spite of Brigham Young's very wise setup of the city, I was turned around and confused.
By the way, each missionary couple on TSq is issued a huge dark blue umbrella. Sounds like we will be needing it tomorrow with snow coming. Tomorrow our assignment is the Family Search area in the Joseph Smith Building from 3 pm to 9 pm. This our first non-training day.


Kristie said...

Oh how exciting- you're done with training and now get to work 'for real'! Not to rub it in or aything - but it's 75 degrees and beautiful here:-) (I miss our souper sister lunches:-(

Anna said...

I love that TMSQ umbrella! Mine still gets lots of use:)